Featured Study

Reading and Comprehension in Adulthood: a Training Programme

“The analysis of data demonstrates the efficacy of SuperReading in enhancing reading competence, as it reduces reading time, increasing at the same time comprehension and reading effectiveness.”

Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2020

London South Bank University Study

The Journal of Cognitive Enhancement

Reading and Comprehension in Adulthood: a Training Programme

University of Milan

University of Milan - Reading as a Multi-Layer Activity: Training Strategies at Text Level

Greenwich University

Intensive SuperReading Course Successfully Piloted at Greenwich University

University of Leicester

The SuperReading Programme


SuperReading Results for Dyslexic Students

London South Bank University

London South Bank University Study


What students are saying

The thing I value about the course is the time and space it provided to reflect on my approach to reading and to try out new strategies. I have found the Eye-Hopping incredibly useful – I find that I focus better, drift less, and print seems more in focus.

Pauline Moon
Senior Lecturer, London South Bank University
Overall I gained a much faster reading speed but also more awareness of what it is to be dyslexic and an increased confidence that I can manage.

Phoebe Kelly
SuperReading has really encouraged me to read more. I was amazed by how much more I remembered when reading books, E-mails and transcripts. I was quicker at answering my E-mails. Definitely worth doing the course.

It was amazing how much faster I’m now reading. My reading time was reduced to less than half in three weeks. At first the eye exercises were a struggle, but as I started seeing results I couldn’t wait to practice some more. Soon I was encouraged by how much clearer my mind felt, and how much more info I remembered.

Sarah Denyer
This course was very useful and had many tools that have increased my reading speed and comprehension. The memory techniques were also very useful. I would recommend this course to everyone, it was well organized and well paced.

Theo Doyle
This course was much more than an improvement-of-reading series of exercises. It was a well-thought-out, planned and organized attack on one’s mind limitations.

Vladimir Starov
Director of Research, GaSonics International
I've been a poor reader all of my life. It has always been difficult for me to focus and maintain concentration while reading. I've always had to read, re-read, and re-read again just to get the meaning for the first time. I experienced immediate results from day one in this course. My initial RE score was so low it may as well have been zero. I enjoy reading now and get a great deal out of it on the first read. It's awesome!

Greg Smith
Test Engineer, IBM
I was a very slow reader and my mind wandered during reading. Now I enjoy reading more than ever. It was good taking the tests during the course to see my improvement. I’ve learned that if you believe in yourself, you can do it! These skills will allow me to use this extra new time I have for getting other things done. At first, I didn’t think this would really help, but I am now a true believer.

Rick Hilovsky
Senior Staff SVG Engineer, Xilinx, Inc.
Before I started my SuperReading course, I could read fairly quickly but my comprehension was rubbish. I would read a document, then have to re-read it as I would be like, “What did I just read?” I am sure you have all done this many times and it can be quite frustrating.

Since I have been doing SuperReading the skills I have learnt and the practice I have put in with the Eye-Hop exercises have helped me considerably. My colleagues at work have even noticed that I can read faster than them and I have captured the content I have read first time round.

The best tool for me is the Memory Room. I can use this tool with everyday things that I need to remember. Also, the Previewing technique is fab for getting the content of material before you read the material fully.

Gloria Graham
Personnel Administrator, Tesco

Read faster, improve comprehension